Could A Dentist Have Saved My Tooth Rather Than Extracting It?

Although the answer to this question may seem obvious to any dentist, it is not always easy for a patient to understand. It also works both ways. A dentist maybe absolutely 100-percent sure that your tooth needs to be extracted but the patient may feel that the tooth could and should be preserved. At the […]

How Does a Dentist Treat a Fracture In a Tooth?

Not all fracture lines or fractures need to be actively treated by a dentist. There are a number of important factors to consider which will determine whether a fracture in a tooth needs to be actually treated by a dentist. 1) The age of a patient is important to consider. It is uncommon to find significant […]

How a dentist treats nervous patients.

Immediately when she walked in, I sensed that she was very apprehensive. Althoughshe had seen 2 previous dentists recently, she felt that they had not “actively” listened to her concerns. She was embarrassed about the gap in the front and the 2 front teeth had started to overlap each other. In addition, there was pain […]

Sinus Lift Complications

A sinus lift for dental implants is not a minor procedure and thought needs to be given before you give consent to go ahead with the operation. This is because many complications can and do arise from this procedure. The most common is the perforation o the Schneiderian membrane which lines the floor of the […]