Could A Dentist Have Saved My Tooth Rather Than Extracting It?

Although the answer to this question may seem obvious to any dentist, it is not always easy for a patient to understand. It also works both ways. A dentist maybe absolutely 100-percent sure that your tooth needs to be extracted but the patient may feel that the tooth could and should be preserved. At the […]

How Does a Dentist Treat a Fracture In a Tooth?

Not all fracture lines or fractures need to be actively treated by a dentist. There are a number of important factors to consider which will determine whether a fracture in a tooth needs to be actually treated by a dentist. 1) The age of a patient is important to consider. It is uncommon to find significant […]

How a dentist treats nervous patients.

Immediately when she walked in, I sensed that she was very apprehensive. Althoughshe had seen 2 previous dentists recently, she felt that they had not “actively” listened to her concerns. She was embarrassed about the gap in the front and the 2 front teeth had started to overlap each other. In addition, there was pain […]